The Bad
1. If you've read some of my past post, you probably know that one of my main concerns has been opening up my game. I accomplished that because my VP$IP/PFR went from 12/9 to 19/14 at the start of Sept. The bad part of that was it really exposed some big leaks in my postflop play. Basically I was building pots better pre, but really misplaying a bunch of hands postflop.
2. The first 5000 hands of the month (see graph). I think a large part of this was due to my weak post flop play.
3. My sessions were going so consistently bad that I seriously considered giving up on the game till after my school semester was over.
The Good
1. Starting the month so bad really pushed me to learn from a large number of resources (books, forums, etc.). I've done as much poker reading for the last week as I have playing.
2. It's been 7 days since I've really concentrated on my postflop play, and I've been experiencing better numbers. Can you guess where this started on the graph? Hopefully this isn't just coincidence.
3. I've learned to better adjust my play on every street based on what I know about my opponent(s).
4. It took me about 2000 hands to clean up the mess I made in 5000 hands. I hope it's a result of better play and not just me running good. Only time will tell though...
...Poker has humbled me. I can't say that enough. It's funny because 6 months ago I would have said I was a good player. Now I know a 100 times more about the game, and I can't even say that I'm a good player now... and 6 months ago I was probably a horrible player!!!
-Much props to those that play cards for a living. It truly is a skill game. More skill than most even realize.
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