Thursday, April 23, 2009

My "I Need to Vent" post

Just writing this post because twitter doesn't give me enough characters for this one. Poker has been really pissin me off this month!!! I've been mediocre at best, and the most I've been up is like $45 (I'm down about $35 right now) I could blame the site like everyone else (it has been brutal at times), but F that. If the thousands of pros out there can consistently win online, then why can't I (or anyone else for that matter).... here's the conclusion i came to. After a little review of my stats for this month, I found that I that from positions 1, 2, 3 and the button, I've been winning. From the blinds, however, I am spewing hella money!!! I've actually lost more money from the BB than positions 1-button combined!!! What a Donkey!!! lol.

So with 7 days remaining in the month I've decided to work on my game in the blinds and really make effort to play solid because maybe it's not UB's fault, maybe it's mine. Even breaking even for the month will be a plus for me...

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